Latest Update 10th Sept 2023-2025- VKSU UG Admission Second Merit List 2022 has been released on 2023-2025 . Now the candidates are waiting for the VKSU Ara BA BSC BCOM 2nd merit list 2023-2025 Release. It will soon be released on the official website. Read the details below on this page.
All the students those who are waiting to check their VKSU 2nd Merit list 2023-2025 For admissions into UG BA BSC BCOM on official website can now go below to check exact date and timing on which VKSU Second Cut off List 2023-2025 will declare. Well, Firstly Veer Kunwar Singh University is going to release its 2nd Merit List 2023-2025 or for UG Admission {BA BSC BCOM}. after the release of VKSU UG Admission BA BSC BCOM 2nd Merit List 2023-2025, it will going to announce the Date on which VKSU all Course merit list 2022 will release. all the details shall be provided on official web portal
So all the doubts are clear now, on 30 August 2023-2025 Veer Kunwar Singh University has displayed its List for 2nd regular admissions for BA BSC BCOM Course choice filling. VKSU Ara UG Admission Second Merit List 2023-2025 Veer Kunwar Singh University has issued the 2nd merit list for admission in BA, Bsc, Bcom [UG]. Aspirants whose name is included in the merit list will have to get their documents verified pay their fees from the next day onward.
VKSU 2nd Merit list 2023-2025
Table of Contents
Each year the Veer Kunwar Singh University releases application forms for UG BA BSC BCOM Course. This year also the application forms were released in mid of the year. Since then different stages of the admission process have been taking place. The VKSU releases merit lists for UG Admission in various stages. The first merit list was released in August 2023-2025 and the second was released a few days ago in August 2022. Now, the students are waiting for the third list which will be released shortly. You can keep visiting our portal for the latest information on VKSU 2nd Merit list 2022 2025.
Veer Kunwar Singh University UG Admission 2023-2025 Details
University Name | Veer Kunar Singh University |
Also Known As | VKSU |
Courses Name | UG (BA BSC and BCom) |
Session | 2022-25 |
Admission IN | UG Courses |
VKSU UG 2nd Merit list Release Date | 2023-2025 |
Status | Available |
Article Category | Merit list |
Official Website | | 2nd Merit List 2023-2025 pdf
हेलो दोस्तों, वीकेएसयू के द्वारा September से पहले सेकंड मेरिट लिस्ट रिलीज़ करेगा। जिन छात्रों का पहली मेरिट सूचि में नाम नहीं आया था वो आज सेकंड मेरिट लिस्ट में अपना नाम जाँच सकते हो । इस साल कोरोना के कारण VKSU के द्वारा पहली मेरिट लिस्ट जारी करने में थोड़ी देरी हुई है । अब जो छात्र VKSU UG में एडमिशन लेना चाहते है वो आवश्यक डॉक्यूमेंट के साथ कॉलेज में फीस जमा करवा दे । Students Second VKSU UG Merit list अपने नाम और User name से देख सकते है | Merit लिस्ट केवल ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर आएगी। अधिक जानकारी के आप इस पेज को धीरे धीरे पूरा pdhe|
Documents Required for Admission VKSU BA, Bsc, Bcom
जब Veer Kunwar Singh University सेकंड मेरिट लिस्ट जारी करता है तो उसके बाद जिन Students का नाम मेरिट लिस्ट में आया है उनको दस्तावेज सत्यापन करवाने होंगे । सत्यापन के लिए कोनसे दस्तावेज आवश्यक है वो निचे दखे |.
- उमीदवार की एक पासपोर्ट आकार का फोटो।
- छात्र के हस्ताक्षर
- 10th / 12th की मार्क्सशीट
- मूलनिवास मरपनपत्र
- ओबीसी प्रमाण पत्र जो 31 मार्च के बाद बनाया गया हो।
- आईडी [आधार कार्ड, राशन कार्ड, पहचान पत्र}
Check Details in VKSU B.A,, B,com 2nd (Second)Merit List 2023-2025
- Name
- Category
- Application Id
- Stream
- Allocated College
- 10+2 Marks Percentage
How to Check VKSU 2nd (Second) Merit List 2023-2025?
- : First of all, visit the official website of the board, i.e.
- Check the ‘VKSU Second Merit List/ Admission List’ link.
- Now, click on the ‘UG BA BSC BCOM Merit List 2022’ link. 2nd merit list links will be there.
- a fresh new web page will appear on the screen.
- Now, enter the Login ID or Application Number and submit after filling the password.
- As soon as you submit, the list will open on your computer screen.
- The list will consist of district names, colleges, category of the candidate, name of the candidate, college code, etc.
- You can check your details and save the list for future reference.
VKSU UG 1st Merit List 2022 Link>> | Click Here |
Official Website | |