आरटीई लॉटरी लिस्ट / RTE Rajasthan Lottery Result 2023-24 : The Department of Elementary Education Rajasthan has published the RTE Portal Result 2023 Today, 15th February 2023. Students who apply online application for Pre Primary to 8th Class exam can now directly visit the official website rajpsp.nic.in and check their results in pdf format. Those students who manage to get their roll no. in the merit list will be called for Next Round. A direct link is made available on the website to view the result roll no. wise. The Result can now be checked with the help of registration details.
RTE Rajasthan Lottery Result 2023-24
Table of Contents
Online at rajpsp.nic.in , the RTE Rajasthan Admission Lotter Result 2023-24 is now available to the participate audience. Students are advised to be aware that the RTE Rajasthan Lotter Result 2023-24 Date will be utilised to determine whether they have satisfied the test requirements for the Pre Primary to 8th Class in 2023. Read our article carefully to get complete information about RTE Rajasthan Lotter Result 2023-24 Because we will try to give you clear information about the answer key.
Rajasthan RTE Pre Primary to 8th Class Lottery Result 2023
Organization Name | Department of Elementary Education Rajasthan |
Class | Pre Primary to 8th Class |
Location | Rajasthan |
Status of Result | Available Now |
Date | 15.02.2023 |
Official Website | rajpsp.nic.in |
Detail mention on RTE Results 2022 Rajasthan
- Candidates Name.
- Registration No.
- Parent Name.
- Category.
- School Name.
- Class.
The cut off marks will be released separately for all the categories. Which is prepared on the basis of Total Applicants, Total Vacancy, and Difficulty of Exam. By this, you can get an idea of how many marks you have to get recruited on this post. It will be decided by the organization itself. To get complete information about it, read the table given below carefully.
How to Check www.rajpsp.nic.in Result 2023/ RTE Results 2023 Lottery
- First, open the official website of the – rajpsp.nic.in
- Now in the homepage area, find out the latest news section.
- Tap on the link and then wait to load a new tab in the browser.
- Now a pdf will get downloaded to your device.