HAL Apprenticeship merit list 2021 Kb Aayegi | कब आयेगी HAL Apprenticeship 2021 merit list September | जल्दी जारी की जाएगी HAL apprenticeship 2021 merit list Bangalore | यहां पेज में hal apprenticeship result 2021 bangalore के बारे में पूरी जानकारी ले सकते है |
HAL Apprenticeship 2021 merit list September: HAL Apprenticeship written examination was held on September2021 by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for Apprenticeship Posts. जो उमीदवार Trade Apprentices एग्जाम में शामिल हुए थे वो Answer key pdf के रूप में इस पोस्ट से डाउनलोड कर सकते है । HAL Apprenticeship Result 2021 Bangalore November महीने में प्रकाशित होगा । यदि आप इस लेख में HAL Apprenticeship 2021 Bangalore देखने आये तो इस पेज को पूरा पढ़े |
HAL Apprenticeship 2021 merit list September:
Table of Contents
HAL Apprenticeship Result 2021 Merit List, cut off, Merit list download links can be checked online from the official website. This post will contain information regarding the merit list 2017/ 2018/ 2019/2021. All the Eligible Students who applied for Apprenticeship Recruitment can check their merit list detail here. Apprenticeship Merit list 2021 of HAL is also appended in this article. So keep reading this article to know Latest update.
HAL apprenticeship 2021 merit list Bangalore
Name Of The Organisation | Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL India) |
Name Of The posts | Trade Apprentices Posts |
Number Of Posts | Various Posts |
Category | Result |
Result Status | 04th October 2021 |
Selection Process | Based on the Merit Basis |
Joining Date | 18th, 20th, 21st October 2021 (07.00 AM) |
Official Websites | hal-india.co.in |
The Students has to achieve the required cut-off marks if they want to get shortlisted on the merit list. The Competitor who meets the category-wise cut-off requirement will be eligible for the nomination in the HAL Apprenticeship Merit list 2021. Moreover, we will provide a link for Cut off, Final Merit List PDF here on this article.
hal apprenticeship result 2021 bangalore:
A large number of Applicants participated in the examination of Apprenticeship on September 2021. The written examination was OMR sheet based. The Students who will be successful in the written test will be called for the next stage. The cut off marks will be decided considering the various activities of the recruitment and selection process.
All of you That The cut-off marks are determined by the total number of applications against the vacant posts, the number of examinees, category, the difficulty of the question paper, maximum and minimum marks obtained by the candidates in the examination.
hal-india.co.in Apprenticeship Result 2021 Cut off Bangalore:
The Result of HAL Apprenticeship Exam 2021-22 can be only checked from the official website and candidates need to follow the below instructions to check results, merit list pdf, Answer key and cut off online:
How to check HAL Apprenticeship Merit List 2021 September Bangalore ?
- First, go to the official website.
- Click on the tab named “merit List”.
- Now, on the new page you will have to fill in all the required information like your registration number, roll number, gender, date of birth and more.
- Enter your login detail
- Finally, Click on the Submit button to check your Apprenticeship Result 2021.
- Take a printout of the result for future reference
HAL ITI Apprentice Joining Schedule | Check Now |