SGPGI Sister Grade 2 Cut off 2023 Expected जारी ऐसे देखे SGPGIMS स्टाफ नर्स ग्रेड 2 रिजल्ट 2023 मेरिट लिस्ट पीडीऍफ़

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Update :Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow {UP} (SGPGIMS) has release the SGPGI Result 2023 Sister Grade 2 Staff Nurse at

SGPGI Sister Grade 2 Cut off 2023 Expected | SGPGI Sister Grade 2 Sarkari Result 2023 Pdf Date & Time | SGPGI Sister Grade 2 Merit List 2023 Pdf…

SGPGI Sister Grade 2 Staff Nurse exam was successfully conducted on 2023. As the exam is concluded now all the competitors who took the exam will be able to check their SGPGIMS Staff Nurse Grade 2 Expected Cut off 2023  once it is officially announced. Approximately lakhs of Contenders registered and appeared in the examination; the exam was conducted in all districts. एसजीपीआईएमएस स्टाफ नर्स ग्रेड 2 अनुमानित कट ऑफ , रिजल्ट , मेरिट लिस्ट के बारे में अधिक जानकारी इस पेज को पढ़ कर ले ।

SGPGI Sister Grade 2 Cut off 2023 Expected:

The Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences will also prepare theNursinf Officer expected cutoff marks to shortlist the students for exam. The cut-off is the minimum marks that the applicants will have to score to get selected for the next round. The SGPGI Board will release the Staff Nurse Grade 2 Expected Cut Off Marks on the official portal of SGPGI. The Sister Grade 2 who passed the exam, the number of students who appeared for the exam, and the highest marks scored in the exam, etc. You are informed the actual cutoff might be different from this:

SGPGIMS Staff Nurse Grade 2 Expected Cut off 2023:

As the Sister Grade 2 and other post exam has finally been conducted, all the students are now checking different websites to get a clue about the publication date of the Staff Nurse Grade 2 Result. There is no official notification regarding the publication date of the SGPGI Result so the applicants will have to be patient. It will be made available to them on the official portal of the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences. Through the article, you will get detailed information about the SGPGI Staff Nurse Grade 2 Result 2023. So do read the following article till the end.

यहां देखे एसजीपीआईएमएस स्टाफ नर्स ग्रेड 2 एक्सपेक्टेड कट ऑफ मार्क्स 2023:

Name of the OrganizationSanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow {UP} (SGPGIMS)
Post NameStaff Nurse Grade-II {Sister}
Total Vacancies495 Posts
Selection ThroughWritten Exam, Merit list
Exam DateAnnounce Soon
Admit Card StatusAvailable Before 15 Days of Exam

Download SGPGI Staff Nurse Grade-II {Sister} Hall Ticket 2023:

 All the registered applicants will have to enter some details to download the SGPGI Sister Grade 2 admit card as it is not accessible to everyone. The SGPGI Staff Nurse Exam is conducted in offline mode. Admit Card 2023  very important for the candidates to carry the SGPGI Sister Grade 2 2023 admit card to the examination centre. who will not carry the UOCATET 2023 Hall Ticket, will not be allowed to sit for the exam. we have provided information like the details available on the admit card, the process of downloading it, etc.

Printed Information on SGPGIMS Cut off 2023 Result:

  • Category
  • Father’s Name
  • Exam Type
  • Name of the Authority
  • Name of the Applicant
  • Secured Marks
  • Remarks
  • Roll Number
  • Total marks
  • Signature of the Authority

Official Link –

 Sister Grade 2 Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023:

CategoriesMinimum Qualifying Marks
General/EWS/OBC50% of the total marks
SC/ST45% of the total marks

Process to Check SGPGI Sister Grade 2 Result 2023 Online?

  • Please go to the official websites
  • On the home page, click on the ‘Staff Nurse Grade 2 Results 2022’ link.
  • Fill in the login information and click the submit button.
  • The outcome will be shown on the screen.
  • Examine the results and save the page.
  • Keep a physical copy of the same in case you need it again.
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