JNTUA 3-1 r15 Supply Results 2022 Has been released and check JNTUA Results portal @https://jntuaresults.ac.in/. All Students check JNTUA 3-1 Supply Results 2022 By Registration No, We are activated a direct link for get JNTUA r15 Supply Results 2022. if you have any problem to download JNTUA Supplementary Results 2022 then go comment section.
A lot of boys and Girls submitted applications for JNTUA 3-1 r15 Supply in various subjects in this year. JNTUA 3-1 r15 Supply Results 2022 programs will be announced soon. However, university may display the result on the notice board of the university and affiliated colleges along with the publication on the official website of the university.
JNTUA 3-1 r15 Supply Results 2022 will also be hosted online on the university portal for all the examines. University is not going to provide a physical copy of result to any student.
JNTUA 3-1 r15 Supply Results 2022:
Table of Contents
Organization Name | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur |
Course | B.Tech & B. Pharmacy |
Semester | 3-1 |
Regulation | R19 |
Official website | www.jntuaresults.ac.in |
Result Date | 20 May 2022 |
category | JNTUA 3-1 r15 Supply Result |
All the latest JNTUA B.Tech, B.Pharma 3-1 r15 Supply Semester Wise exam result held on March/April are listed below. Check the Marks, grades status of the JNTUA 3-1 Results 2022 R15, R19 from the direct links shared below.
JNTUA 3-1 Supply Results 2022:
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University exams 2022 were conducted in the month of oct/ Nov and declared the provisional result May/ June 2022. Students who were not satisfied with their marks submitted applications for revaluation so that they can improve their result. University is now busy in evaluating the answer scripts and will declare the result shortly.
All of Students can check JNTUA BTECH 3-1 Supply Sem Results April/ May Regular & Supply Exam 2022 Date at www.jntuh.ac.in. participant would be able to check the result of JNTUA BTECH 3-1 Supply Regular & Supply Results September -2022 by using Name, Roll number details.
jntua Results Portal r15 Result Supply 2022:
Aspirants informed to keep checking this post till the end. This is because going ahead in the post, they will find detailed information about the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University revaluation result such as important dates, steps to download the result online, particulars mentioned on the revaluation result sheet, key points, etc.
How to Check JNTUA 3-1 r15 Supply Result 2022 Online
- First, Go to the official website of JUNTH i.e. www.jntuhresults.in
- Hit the “Examination Results” .
- Now Click on “3-1, r15 Supply result of semester wise examinations Nov/Dec 2020” link.
- After enter the require detail and click on download link
- Revaluation result pdf will be displayed.
- Find the name in the list and check the result.
- Download and save the result for personal record.