RSMSSB JE Cut off Marks 2022 OBC, SC, ST, GEN, Category- राजस्थान जूनियर इंजीनियर रिजल्ट 2022 कब तक आयेगा

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RSMSSB JE Cut off Marks 2022 OBC, SC, ST, GEN, Category Wise Expected upload soon. The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board has released the RSMSSB JE Recruitment Notification 2022.  The Junior Engineer exam is going to be conducted soon & the exam date will be released on the official website. This is a golden opportunity for any competitors to join a premier institute like the JE. All Interested Aspirants can check full detail about Bihar Rajasthan JE Eligibility , Salary, Online Application Form Last Date, Total vacancy, Exam Pattern and Paper Syllabus etc. 

RSMSSB JE Cut off Marks 2022:

All the eligible contenders should not miss out on this opportunity and apply for RSMSSB JE as soon as possible. With the Start of preparation, the very first question that arose in the mind of every aspirant is What are the RSMSSB Junior Engineer Previous Year Cut-Offs? This is because the previous year cut-off gives you an idea of the difficulty level of the examination and gives you an idea of the competition faced in the examination. So, to provide you the answer to the question we have come up with the blog, RSMSSB JE Cut Off 2017/2018/2019/2021/2022.

Rajasthan RSMSSB Junior Engineer Expected Cut off 2022 OBC, SC, ST, Gen:

Name Of The Organization Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board
Post Name Junior Engineer
Number of Vacancies 1092 Posts
Exam Date 18th, 19th & 20th May 2022
Answer Key Status Given Below
Category: Answer Key
Selection Process Written Test, Interview
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website JE OBC, SC, ST Gen Cut off marks 2022:

It is very important for the candidate who is willing to do the job of RSMSSB JE, it is very important to know about the Previous Year Cut off 2018/2019/2017/2020. Knowing about JE Previous Year Cut off 2018 / 2022 gives an idea of ​​how to prepare the paper. We will inform you about the expected cut off before this exam. Will inform you about RSMSSB JE Expected Cut off 2018 / 2022 Category Wise. Our team has listed below the expected cut off for Rajasthan Junior Engineer 2018 and 2022 Prelims and Mains cut off. If still any student is not getting information about JE Previous Year Cut off then comment in below comment box.

आरएसएमएसएसबी जेई / जूनियर इंजीनियर 18 मई 2022 एग्जाम आंसर की / क्वेश्चन पेपर पीडीऍफ़:

राजस्थान अधीनस्थ एवं मंत्रालयिक सेवा चयन बोर्ड जेई / जूनियर इंजीनियर की लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन 18 May / 19 मई / 20 मई को दो शिफ्ट में आयोजित करवाएगा । RSMSSB के द्वारा आज 1st Shift में Junior Engineer की एग्जाम सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित करवा दी है। जो छात्र आज की फर्स्ट शिफ्ट में शामिल हुए है वो कुछ समय बाद पेपर सलूशन देख सकेंगे । परीक्षार्थी आरएसएमएसएसबी जेई उत्तर कुंजी सभी सेटों के लिए डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं और स्कोर का अनुमान लगाने के लिए संबंधित सेट के साथ स्कोर की तुलना भी कर सकते हैं। संभावित स्कोर की गणना करके उम्मीदवार चयन प्रक्रिया में अपने भविष्य की भविष्यवाणी कर सकते हैं। लिखित परीक्षा की उत्तर कुंजी डाउनलोड करने के चरणों की भी जाँच करें।

RSMSSB JE Civil Cut Off 2021:

Category Non TSP
GEN GEN 102.4309
FEM 90.0566
WD 52.8671
DV 52.8671
EWS GEN 96.2371
FEM 81.7849
SC GEN 92.1212
FEM 68.3317
ST GEN 93.1202
FEM 73.4998
OBC GEN 97.316
FEM 78.7213
MBC GEN 90.0966
FEM 57.9287
Horizontal Reservation BLV 71.5551
HI 43.3433
LD/CP 78.6547
Ex-Serviceman 45.5544
Sportsman 65.1482

Download RSMSSB JE Civil TSP Cut Off:

Category TSP Cut Off
GEN GEN 82.7972
FEM 68.2784
SC GEN 78.6813
ST GEN 55.8641
FEM 49.5771
Horizontal Reservation B/LV NA
Ex-Serviceman NA

Steps to Check the RSMSSB JE Cut off Marks 2022

  1. Applied Candidates of RSMSSB Visit the official website of the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board.
  2. click on the Career with JE Cut off Link,
  3. Next  enter your Registration Number and Password,
  4. Choose your Category
  5. Select Button
  6. Next, scroll along the result page to find the section of the Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks 2022
  7. Last Download it and take a print out.
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